Monday, May 4, 2009

Thoughts on Pesach

deareast dearst friends, BH

grettings and blessings from Eretz isreal
i am not quite sure of what to say to you all////

it may come as a shock..... so let me tell you that peasach was really sick with pain this year ' he needed a whole liver. transplant...........
on thursday he was nefter. . it is a shock to all of us//////

..he was buried in Hevron surrounder by many friends an his four children. His daughter,,, ' ona-el,who is now 11years old,,shimon10,,levy 7,and gadalya 4years old.

iPesach was a friend for more than 22years.

a gerTzdaek who believed with all of his heart and soul in his mission of being a jew and living and raising his children in lEretz Israel .
Ha Shem gives us our challanges and it is up to us how we will deal with them.. We are a servant of Ha Kodesh Baruch HU , we truly have the power to over come our selves and change our darkness to light and bring greater light in to the world where by we are helping to bring the. geula..
Paesach overcome and was victorious , i believed he did many tikuns/////////
he was niftar kaf tet.[malchutt in gevaret] his shlossim will also be on kafi tet the friday after Shavout Pesach and his son levy we both born on Shavout,
we are all experiencing his loss. it is hard knowing he his not physically here it,s painful. i keep remember all the things i have shared and he shared with me about his life.
may you all draw from his all the strengths he had to give and may it fill us and all am israel.

may Ha shem ease the pain of our bodies and souls GUELA NOW
Please do all kinds of good deed in his name to elevate his neshama

with great love to you all and ever so grateful to the HOLY ON BLESSED BE HE FOR ALL THE GOOD HE DOES FOR US even when it doesn't seem so.
There is a blog to send anything you would like to share about Pesach we want to put something together by his shlossim
all my love
nechama shalom ruckin


  1. Nechama, we are all going thru different levels of pain on Pesach leaving this world. Only together can we hope to ease this pain. May his memory be an inspiration to lead our lives a he lead his. With courage conviction and perfect faith.

  2. B"H

    Thank you David for putting up this blog. With Pesach the Democratic Republic of Israel lost a bad Israeli. I lost a friend and the Jewish people lost a good Jew. He was one of the few who refused to let himself be confused and intimidated, one who wouldn’t jump up onto a bandwagon, because it was winning, because “everyone does it anyhow” and “so what’s the difference?!”. He was one of the very few able and, what is more important, willing to distinguish. Between "us" and "them", between the corrupt, the insignificant, the tyrant, the erev rav, the goyim and the loyal royalists of King Hashem. He was one of them. He was one of us. This did not help him much to have an easy live – here, in this world. But, it didn’t matter, it could not matter. He didn’t have a choice to make: truth, per definition, had to override convenience. So, may you Hashem, our King, in Your infinite wisdom, mercy and in true judgment, please make sure You give him one of the best places You have at Your disposal: let his soul dwell with the souls of the pious soldiers of Moshe who answered YES, we are with the King, when others chose to stay silent, under the dark shadow of the Golden Calf.
